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Week 5 - Empathy Map

Updated: Jun 6, 2022

Last Wednesday, We presented our research - weeks of interviewing end-users and experts, led us to create a persona and define our leading question - How Might We?

In our first HMW assignment, we asked "How might we assist Rotem (our persona) to cope with early-stage Postpartum Depression?". Since that question was too general, we built an Empathy Map:

After we completed our persona's empathy map, we realized that the problem we want to focus on is "How might we assist Rotem deal with the early stage postpartum depression loneliness?"

According to our interviews and research, most of the difficulties that accompany postpartum depression occur when the Rotem is alone with the baby. In most cases, psychiatrists, psychologists, and day hospitals provide the help and therapy she needs, but usually, Rotem needs to take care of her baby by herself. - for this reason, we decided that should be our starting point for the second diamond. We're looking forward to coming up with some solutions to our problem.

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